Welcome Back!
First, we hope everyone is healthy and safe. Second, we are excited to see so many of you coming back to work and re-opening your practices! While our team has been working throughout COVID-19, we are thrilled to see more and more of our loyal customers sending in instruments for repair and ordering new ones every day. Please note we still have modified staffing hours to ensure our employees’ safety, and we appreciate your continued patience as we work through your orders! Please leave a voicemail or email us at sales@goldmandental.com if we are not able to answer the phone right away. Also, remember the following if you are sending us your instruments:
- Include your office phone number, office address AND an alternate call back number (like a cell phone number) when leaving messages or sending orders;
- Be sure to clearly note on the order form if there is an alternate address you want us to send your order back to instead of your office, along with a phone number associated with that alternate address;
- Please note due to the modified schedules, your orders may take longer than normal to get back to you.
Remember, you can always order new instruments & still pay your invoices on our website 24/7! We currently have an Online Stock Up Sale you should check out.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this unusual time. We work so you can work – we are in this with you. Please stay healthy and safe! – The Team at Goldman Dental