In some cases, an order can be rushed. Sometimes it is as simple as our office being aware that an order needs to be turned around quickly. Other times, it is more involved and needs to be shipped overnight. Please give our office a call BEFORE sending in your order to discuss options that are available.
Typically you will have your instruments back in about 10 business days (approximately 2 weeks). This is mainly for the shipping time back and forth. There are some exceptions to this.
Yes. Just mark the boxes on the order form that indicate the service(s) you want for your instruments. Most customers mark the sharpen, re-tip, and replace boxes with instructions that say "Please replace if you can't sharpen or re-tip." Marking your form this way means we will try to sharpen first, and if we can't sharpen then we will re-tip; if we can't re-tip then we will replace the instrument for you at our trade-in price.
Please sterilize your instruments before sending them to us. You may use any sturdy box to ship your instruments. We recommend that you pack your instruments tightly, to prevent the instruments from shaking around and breaking through the box.
No. We can't stress this enough! Please call 1-800-Go-FedEx to schedule a pickup, or schedule directly from our website. We are not responsible for instrument loss from packages left in a FedEx drop box. Drop boxes are NOT intended for pre-paid ground labels.
No. We will charge you for the pre-paid FedEx label on your invoice.
You may ship your instruments through any carrier you choose. For your convenience, we do offer a pre-paid FedEx label on this website for you to use. You may download and print a label directly from our website. Call 1-800-Go-FedEx to schedule a pickup, or schedule the pick-up through the link on our website!
At Goldman, we have a 1 for 1 trade-in program. For every instrument you send, we give you a discount on a new instrument of your choice. See a break-down of Goldman vs. the Other Guys below:
Goldman | Other Guys |
12 Old Instruments | 12 Old instruments |
1 for 1 Trade-in | 1- Free |
12 X $16.49* | 11 X $36.00 |
12 NEW = $197.88!!! | 12 NEW = $396.00 |
*Prices shown = Current wide handle prices |
Yes, you can get different instruments than what you trade in! You may trade anything, in any condition, and get a new Goldman hygiene instrument of your choice in return.
No. Trade-in instruments may be used as credit towards new instruments ONLY.
No, we currently cannot re-tip or repair cavitrons.
The only fees you pay are for the services you receive and shipping both ways. That's it!
No. You may change tips, however, there are some restrictions. We CANNOT change the marking on the handle. Also, the tips you want need to have the same tip size on your current instrument (i.e. we cannot make an explorer into a scaler).